Energy and Utility Audits

Energy Auditors Mission Statement:
The bottom line is simply - to conserve energy and save money - do just that and most homeowners will be tickled pink.
This one is a little more reminiscent of a die-hard tree hugger, protect the environment by reducing harmful by-products. The by-products we are talking about here are mostly carbon based. When you use more energy than you really need, you cause ridiculous amounts of carbon to be released to the atmosphere.
I like this one and there are no tree huggers insight, increase home comfort. The first indicator of a successful energy saving retrofit is this -the home is more comfortable. The home is warmer, less drafty and quieter.
One of the most important mission statement items involves basic health and safety. For this one, the physician and auditor have something in common. Whatever you do, do no harm. An auditor is trained in combustion appliance safety, mold and mildew remediation, indoor air quality, ventilation, lead paint hazards and asbestos dangers.
Be a resource for the residents concerning energy products, conservation procedures, and lifestyle contributions. An energy auditor will leave the household a little wiser about all things that effect home energy savings. I trust most auditors learned the benefits of sharing in kindergarten.
When you step up to the cashier at the grocery store, you may have a person ring up your purchase that really does not care to be there. Running a cash register for your toothpaste and potato chips was not in his or her original career plans. Tell the waitress to take the steak back to the kitchen and ask the chef to cook it like you wanted and you'd better be careful, the chef maybe a college student working his way through school and he really doesn't care if you like the steak or not.
There is a pretty fair chance that the man on your porch with the cool patch on his shirt wants to be there and is determined to save energy because he or she simply believes in it, loves it, and lives it. Saving energy is a passion, a calling, like an emergency rrom doctor. With home energy auditors, living up to a mission statement comes naturally.
Thanks for stopping by Energy Savers 2, hope you come back soon, but I won't leave the light on for you...
Understanding Utility bills and the cost to your business
Paying for energy is simple, you get the bill and pay it, but cutting energy costs is complicated even for buyers with decades of experience. This is because the price you pay and the quantity you consume is heavily influenced by politics, economics and weather. These are variables that change irregularly and sometimes quiet drastically. As if that were not enough of a headache, many of the programs and dynamics change as you move from one market to another. So managing multiple locations can take a little time and effort.
Price x Quantity – Incentives = Cost
Price = Electricity and Natural Gas account for 87% of total energy supply cost
Quantity = Lighting and HVAC account for 75% of building energy consumption
Incentives = Federal, State and local government and utility rebates, credits and tax incentive
THE ENERGY COST represents 60-85% of you total electric bill. Market forces, not regulators, dictate this piece. Very volatile but very liquid – meaning you can assume as little or as much price risk as is appropriate for your business drivers.
THE DELIVERY COSTS are associated with bringing energy from the generator to your meter. This cost is driven by regulatory bodies and system operators. Ensuring accurate rate and classification is a key to minimizing your delivery costs.

Reclaim What is Rightfully Yours!
As a businessperson, it's critical that you're getting everything you're paying for. Statistics show, however, that 80% of utility bills have errors. That's where Energy Savers 2 can help. Using proprietary software, our team specialized in auditing invoices from utility providers to reclaim what is rightfully yours. Click on the "About Us" button above to learn more about how we work and how we can ensure that you are getting the most for your money.
Will You Benefit? Find out
Take the quick quiz below to see if you will likely benefit:
- Is your organization either a company, municipality or non-profit?
- Does your organization have more than 20 employees on the payroll?
- Do you have a financial or accounts payable department?
- Have you ever had any kind of audit (tax, business/financial, utilities, telecom, carrier bills)?
- Did your last month's utilities bills (telecom, power, gas, water) exceed $5,000?
If you answered "yes" to four or more of the above, then odds are very high that we can recover hidden overcharges and procure either a refund, monthly savings, or both! Call us now at 818-366-6999 for a FREE 10 minute consultation to learn how we can recover your overpayments.
